尼日利亚电工因裁员而罢工,导致卡杜纳完全停电。 Nigerian electricity workers strike over job cuts, causing total blackout in Kaduna.
在Kaduna电力配给公司计划解雇900多名雇员之后,该公司的工人开始了无限期罢工。 Workers at Kaduna Electricity Distribution Company (KADECO) have started an indefinite strike after the company planned to dismiss over 900 employees. 全国电力雇员联盟(NUEE)声称该公司没有支付退休人员的养恤金,没有执行2024年的最低工资,并忽视提供适当的工作工具和晋升。 The National Union of Electricity Employees (NUEE) claims the company hasn't paid retirees' pensions, failed to implement the 2024 minimum wage, and neglected to provide proper work tools and promotions. 罢工在卡杜纳造成全面停电,扰乱了当地的活动。 The strike is causing a total blackout in Kaduna, disrupting local activities.