NFLS Commish Roger Goodell 维护Tom Brady的能力 将分析师的角色和所有者利益区分开来 NFL Commish Roger Goodell defends Tom Brady's ability to separate analyst role from owner stakes.
NFL 专员罗杰·古德尔 (Roger Goodell) 表示,汤姆·布雷迪 (Tom Brady) 既是福克斯的分析师,也是拉斯维加斯突袭者队 (Las Vegas Raiders) 的少数股东,他在区分自己的角色方面做得很好。 NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell says Tom Brady, who is both an analyst for Fox and a minority owner of the Las Vegas Raiders, is doing a good job separating his roles. 尽管人们担心潜在利益冲突,但布雷迪一直努力遵守联盟规则。 Despite concerns about potential conflicts of interest, Brady has been diligent in following league rules. 联盟将在离季赛期间审查这些规则,以确定是否需要调整。 The league will review these rules during the offseason to see if adjustments are needed.