NFL 对汤姆·布雷迪作为拉斯维加斯突袭者队的部分所有者的广播活动施加了限制。 NFL imposes restrictions on Tom Brady's broadcasting activities as part-owner of Las Vegas Raiders.
NFL已限制汤姆·布雷迪的广播活动, 如果他成为拉斯维加斯突击队的一部分拥有者。 The NFL has set restrictions for Tom Brady's broadcasting activities if he becomes a part-owner of the Las Vegas Raiders. 布拉迪不得访问另一队的设施、观察做法或参加与其在福克斯体育协会担任足球分析师角色有关的生产会议。 Brady would not be allowed to visit another team's facility, observe practice, or attend production meetings related to his role as a football analyst at Fox Sports. 这些措施旨在维护公平,避免潜在的利益冲突。 The measures are in place to maintain fairness and avoid potential conflicts of interest.