美国近一半的孕妇戒掉抗抑郁药,有可能出现未经治疗的心理健康问题。 Nearly half of pregnant women in the U.S. quit antidepressants, risking untreated mental health issues.
最近的一项研究发现,美国近一半孕妇在怀孕期间停止服用抗抑郁药,几乎没有人转而接受心理治疗。 A recent study found that nearly half of pregnant women in the US stopped taking antidepressants during pregnancy, with few switching to psychotherapy. 这一决定使许多孕妇在怀孕期间得不到治疗,有可能伤害母亲和孩子。 This decision leaves many untreated during pregnancy, potentially harming both mother and child. 研究人员建议医生与怀孕病人讨论药物和治疗的风险和好处,以确保他们获得适当的心理健康支助。 Researchers suggest doctors should discuss the risks and benefits of medication and therapy with pregnant patients to ensure they receive appropriate mental health support.