宾夕法尼亚州报告了多起交通事故和违规行为,包括树木碰撞和与毒品相关的指控。 Multiple traffic incidents and infractions reported in Pennsylvania, including a tree crash and drug-related charges.
最近几天,宾夕法尼亚州发生了多起涉及车祸和各种其他违规行为的事件。 In recent days, Pennsylvania has seen multiple incidents involving vehicle accidents and various other infractions. 值得注意的是,William Slusser II 将他的丰田 Tundra 撞到一棵树上,但没有受伤。 Notably, William Slusser II crashed his Toyota Tundra into a tree but was unharmed. 几名司机因驾驶不稳定而被指控,包括亨利·格里克 (Henry Glick) 和一名 56 岁的男子因在错误的车道上驾驶而被指控。 Several drivers were charged for erratic driving, including Henry Glick and a 56-year-old man for driving in wrong lanes. 其他事件包括非法侵入、虚假报告和与毒品相关的指控。 Other incidents included trespassing, false reporting, and drug-related charges. 一名无家可归者因服药过量而住院,并被指控犯有药物递送罪。 A homeless man was hospitalized after an overdose and charged with drug delivery.