多重事故和逮捕,包括毒品贩运,突出了宾夕法尼亚州的安全和法律问题。 Multiple accidents and arrests, including drug trafficking, highlight safety and legal issues in Pennsylvania.
在宾夕法尼亚州最近发生的事件中,多起车辆事故和逮捕事件突出了各种问题。 In recent incidents in Pennsylvania, multiple vehicle accidents and arrests highlight various issues. William Slusser II号将丰田Tundra撞到一棵树上,而其他人则因在错误的车道或冰冷的道路上行驶而被指控。 William Slusser II crashed his Toyota Tundra into a tree, while others were charged for driving in wrong lanes or on icy roads. 因贩毒、非法侵入和公开吸毒而被逮捕。 Arrests were made for drug trafficking, trespassing, and public intoxication. Richard Lee Aumiller被控运送芬太尼和甲基苯丙胺,过量后住院。 Richard Lee Aumiller was charged with delivering fentanyl and methamphetamine and was hospitalized after an overdose.