孟菲斯警察在一所小学附近开枪射击一名男子,当时他拒绝放下武器。 Memphis police shot a man with a rifle near an elementary school after he refused to drop his weapon.
星期一,孟菲斯警察在伏林廷小学附近枪杀了一名手持步枪的人,当时在据报发生枪击事件后发现他带着武器走路。 On Monday, Memphis police officers shot a man armed with a rifle near Vollintine Elementary School after he was found walking with the weapon following a reported shooting. 尽管军官命令放下武器,但嫌疑人仍被枪击,并被送往医院,伤势严重。 Despite officer commands to drop the weapon, the suspect was shot and taken to the hospital in critical condition. 作为一项预防措施,学校被关禁闭,但后来被解除。 The school was placed on lockdown as a precaution, but it has since been lifted. 警方缴获了100多发弹药。 Police recovered over 100 rounds of ammunition.