伊拉克最高法院暂停执行法律,包括一项因削弱妇女权利而遭到批评的法律。 Iraq's Supreme Court suspends laws, including one criticized for weakening women's rights.
伊拉克最高法院中止了最近通过的三项法案,其中一项是批评者说,通过赋予伊斯兰法院对家庭事务更多的控制权,损害妇女权利。 Iraq's Supreme Court has suspended three recently passed bills including one that critics say undermines women's rights by giving Islamic courts more control over family matters. 其他法案涉及大赦和将土地归还给库尔德人。 The other bills deal with a general amnesty and land returns to Kurds. 法院暂停了这些法律,等待宪法审查,因为担心修改可能会使以往对妇女的保护倒退。 The court suspended the laws pending a constitutional review, amid concerns that the changes could roll back previous protections for women.