Group要求国防部长撤销Reid Hoffman 对Epstein关系的安全检查 Group seeks Defense Secretary to revoke Reid Hoffman's security clearance over Epstein ties.
国家法律和政策中心已要求国防部长Pete Hegseth撤销科技亿万富翁Reid Hoffman的安全许可, 指出他与已定罪的性罪犯Jeffrey Epstein及其政治活动有联系。 The National Legal and Policy Center has asked Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth to revoke tech billionaire Reid Hoffman's security clearance, citing his connections to convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein and his political activities. 霍夫曼曾是国防创新委员会成员,也是民主民主党的一个主要捐助者,尽管他不再担任委员会成员,但他仍然持有许可证。 Hoffman, a former member of the Defense Innovation Board and a major Democratic donor, still holds a clearance despite no longer being on the board. 工作组还要求对政府与Hoffman担任董事会成员的微软公司的合同进行评价。 The group also requested an evaluation of government contracts with Microsoft, where Hoffman serves on the board.