前West Fargo游泳教练被控在上课期间对一名未成年人实施严重性攻击。 Former West Fargo swim coach charged with felony sexual assault of a minor during lesson.
Ronald Hehn, 38岁,前West Fargo游泳教练,被控在游泳课上性侵犯一名未成年人,罪名是严重性倾向,AA级重罪。 Ronald Hehn, a 38-year-old former West Fargo swim coach, has been charged with Gross Sexual Imposition, a Class AA Felony, for allegedly sexually assaulting a minor during a swim lesson. 据报道,监控录像记录了这一事件。 Surveillance footage reportedly captured the incident. Hehn于2018年被开除担任教练职务,如果被定罪,将面临至少五年的监禁。 Hehn, who was fired from coaching roles in 2018, faces a minimum of 5 years in prison if convicted. 他预定于3月19日出庭。 His court appearance is scheduled for March 19th.