前垒球教练因被控对一名未成年球员进行性攻击而被捕,面临多项严重指控。 Former softball coach arrested on charges of sexually assaulting a minor player, facing multiple serious charges.
朋友大学一名31岁的前垒球教练因被控对一名未成年球员进行性攻击而被Wichita警察局逮捕。 A 31-year-old former softball coach at Friends University was arrested by the Wichita Police Department on charges of sexually assaulting a minor player. 一名18岁前球员提出的指控指称,袭击发生在2021年至2024年之间,受害人尚未达到同意年龄。 The accusations, made by an 18-year-old former player, allege assaults occurred between 2021 and 2024, before the victim reached the age of consent. 教练面临包括非法性关系和鸡奸罪在内的指控。 The coach faces charges including unlawful sexual relations and criminal sodomy. 她被扣押在25万美元的保证金上。 She is being held on a $250,000 bond.