被遗忘的歌剧 “Morgiane” 由一位美国黑人作曲家创作,在 138 年后上演,突出了对歌剧的贡献。 Forgotten opera "Morgiane" by a Black American composer performs after 138 years, highlighting contributions to opera.
138 年后,一位美国黑人作曲家被遗忘的歌剧《Morgiane》已经完全公开演出。 After 138 years, a forgotten opera by a Black American composer, titled "Morgiane," has been fully performed publicly. 它被认为是黑人作曲家最古老的歌剧之一,突出了新奥尔良充满活力的歌剧场景。 Believed to be one of the oldest operas by a Black composer, it highlights the vibrant opera scene in New Orleans. 歌剧的复兴引起了人们对黑人作曲家对歌剧世界的重大贡献的关注。 The opera's revival brings attention to the significant contributions of Black composers to the world of opera.