企业往往得到低于预期的网络保险付款,许多企业一无所获,一项研究发现。 Businesses frequently receive lower cyber insurance payouts than expected, with many getting nothing, a study finds.
根据TELUS对500多家公司的研究,企业获得的网络保险付款通常低于预期,70%的企业比预期的少,23%的企业一无所获。 Businesses often receive lower cyber insurance payouts than expected, with 70% getting less than anticipated and 23% receiving nothing, according to a TELUS study of over 500 companies. 重大网络事件每起平均造成企业损失650万美元。 Major cyber incidents cost businesses an average of $6.5 million each. 为了弥合期望与现实之间的差距,企业应将重点放在人、流程和技术上,并考虑将网络安全外包给管理好的服务提供商,以确保合规和降低保险费。 To bridge the gap between expectations and reality, businesses should focus on people, processes, and technology and consider outsourcing cybersecurity to managed service providers to ensure compliance and reduce premiums.