Blue Ridge Beef回忆说,由于沙门氏菌可能受到污染,有5 700磅狗食。 Blue Ridge Beef recalls 5,700 pounds of dog food due to possible salmonella contamination.
由于沙门氏菌可能受到污染,蓝脊牛肉正在召回约5 700磅的2磅天然混合狗食品。 Blue Ridge Beef is recalling about 5,700 pounds of its 2-pound Natural Mix dog food due to potential salmonella contamination. 召回影响在纽约和其他七个州销售的产品。 The recall affects products sold in New York and seven other states. 消费者应返回或销毁被召回的食品,以避免接触。 Consumers should return or destroy the recalled food to avoid exposure. 林业发展局建议宠物所有者注意麻痹、腹泻、发烧和在宠物中呕吐等症状,一旦出现这些症状,请与兽医联系。 The FDA advises pet owners to watch for symptoms like lethargy, diarrhea, fever, and vomiting in their pets and to contact a vet if these occur.