由于潜在的大肠杆菌污染,Valley Meats 召回碎牛肉。 Valley Meats recalls ground beef due to potential e-coli contamination.
由于潜在的大肠杆菌污染,Valley Meats 正在召回几种碎牛肉产品。 Valley Meats is recalling several ground beef products due to potential E. coli contamination. 这些产品于 12 月 22 日生产,并运往伊利诺伊州、印第安纳州、爱荷华州和密歇根州。 The products were produced on December 22 and were shipped to Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, and Michigan. 美国农业部建议餐馆检查冰箱或冰柜。 The USDA advises restaurants to check their refrigerators or freezers. 召回产品尚未报告出现任何疾病。 No reported illnesses have been reported from the recalled products.