印度博帕尔,禁止乞讨以遏制犯罪、将乞丐转移到收容所和安装摄像机。 Bhopal, India, bans begging to curb crime, moving beggars to shelters and installing cameras.
印度博帕尔(Bhopal)也禁止乞讨和在公共场所施舍, Bhopal, India, has banned begging and giving alms in public places, following Indore's similar crackdown. 这项禁令由Kaushlendra Vikram Singh区收藏家颁布,旨在遏制乞丐的犯罪活动和吸毒。 The ban, issued by District Collector Kaushlendra Vikram Singh, aims to curb criminal activities and drug use among beggars. 违法者面临法律行动,乞丐正被转移到收容所进行改造。 Violators face legal action, and beggars are being moved to a shelter facility for rehabilitation. 将安装监视摄像头以监测遵守情况。 Surveillance cameras will be installed to monitor compliance.