孟加拉警察在镇压逃税时扣押了价值约3卢比的豪华汽车。 Bengaluru police seized luxury cars worth about Rs 3 crore in a crackdown on tax evasion.
在打击逃税行动中,孟加拉警察缴获了30辆豪华轿车,包括法拉利和保时捷,价值约3卢比的未偿税。 In a crackdown on tax evasion, Bengaluru police seized 30 luxury cars, including Ferraris and Porsches, worth about Rs 3 crore in unpaid taxes. 该行动由副专员C Mallikarjun领导,目标是在一个州注册但在另一个州使用的没有适当税收的车辆。 Led by Deputy Commissioner C Mallikarjun, the operation targets vehicles registered in one state but used in another without proper taxes. 同时,当地居民10年来一直使用公共眼应用软件报告交通违规情况,这有助于提高合规率和收入。 Meanwhile, local residents have been using the Public Eye app for 10 years to report traffic violations, contributing to increased compliance and revenue.