津巴布韦反腐败委员会调查Walter Magaya的伪造文凭欺诈案。 Zimbabwe's Anti-Corruption Commission investigates Walter Magaya for fraud over fake diploma.
津巴布韦反腐败委员会(ZACC)在南非大学(Unisa)确认Walter Magaya没有给他颁发文凭后,已开始调查Walter Magaya的欺诈行为。 Zimbabwe's Anti-Corruption Commission (ZACC) has begun investigating Walter Magaya for fraud after the University of South Africa (Unisa) confirmed they did not confer a diploma on him. Magaya因不符合学术要求而被津巴布韦足球协会(ZIFA)取消参加总统竞选的资格。 Magaya was disqualified from a presidential race with the Zimbabwe Football Association (ZIFA) for not meeting academic requirements. Unisa说,Magaya从来不是学生或毕业生,使他声称的文凭是假的。 Unisa stated that Magaya was never a student or graduate, making his claimed diploma fraudulent. 反腐败委员会目前正在向ZIFA和高等法院寻求文件,以便进一步调查。 ZACC is now seeking documents from ZIFA and the High Court to investigate further.