年轻中国作家为年长的客户撰写的鬼写回忆录,捕捉他们的人生故事。 Young Chinese writers ghost-write memoirs for elderly clients, capturing their life stories.
中国不断增长的趋势是年轻人, 比如21岁的医科学生Guo Jinchuan(Guo Jinchuan), 给老年客户的幽灵写回忆录。 A growing trend in China sees young people, like 21-year-old medical student Guo Jinchuan, ghost-writing memoirs for elderly clients. 这种做法有助于保存老年人的独特生活故事,他们占中国人口的很大一部分。 This practice helps preserve the unique life stories of the elderly, who make up a significant portion of China's population. 书写备忘录不仅满足老年人的不同需求,而且为年轻作家提供宝贵的代际学习经验。 Memoir writing not only meets the diverse needs of seniors but also offers young writers valuable intergenerational learning experiences.