台湾人将21年中国老兵的骨灰送回故乡。 Taiwanese man spends 21 years returning ashes of Chinese veterans to their hometowns.
刘德文(Liu De-wen)是一位58岁的台湾男子,过去21年满足了300多名中国退伍军人的临终愿望,将他们被火化的遗骨送回大陆的家乡。 Liu De-wen, a 58-year-old Taiwanese man, has spent the past 21 years fulfilling the dying wishes of over 300 Chinese veterans by returning their cremated remains to their hometowns on the mainland. 这些退伍军人在1949年内战期间与Kuomentang人一起逃往台湾,由于政治紧张,他们无法返回。 These veterans, who fled to Taiwan with the Kuomintang in 1949 during the civil war, were unable to return due to political tensions. 刘先生虽然面临诸多挑战,但继续帮助这些退伍军人与家人和祖传家园团聚,甚至建立了一个数据库,协助其他人寻找失去亲人的亲属。 Liu has faced numerous challenges but continues to help reunite these veterans with their families and ancestral homes, even creating a database to assist others in locating lost relatives.