Wendell Mumbulla,21岁,在悉尼的反犹太事件后被拒绝保释,面临多重指控。 Wendell Mumbulla, 21, denied bail after anti-Semitic incident in Sydney, faces multiple charges.
Wendell Mumbulla,21岁,在因据称对悉尼邦迪的一个妇女大喊反犹言论而被捕后,被拒绝保释。 他住在一个犹太人经营的危机之家。 Wendell Mumbulla, 21, was denied bail after being arrested for allegedly yelling anti-Semitic slurs at a woman in Sydney's Bondi, where he lived in a Jewish-run crisis home. Mumbulla面临各种指控,包括跟踪、恐吓和财产破坏。 Mumbulla faces charges including stalking, intimidation, and property damage. 在悉尼发生的一系列反犹太事件中,由于有违反法院命令的历史,他的保释被拒。 His bail was rejected due to a history of breaching court orders, amid a series of anti-Semitic incidents in Sydney. 澳大利亚联邦警察正在调查与海外行为体的潜在联系。 The Australian Federal Police is investigating potential links to overseas actors.