用户会收到 Gmail 网络钓鱼攻击的警报,建议验证发件人的真实性并启用双重身份验证。 Users are alerted to a phishing attack on Gmail, advised to verify sender authenticity and enable two-factor authentication.
用户会收到针对 Gmail 帐户的网络钓鱼攻击的警告。 Users are being warned about a phishing attack targeting Gmail accounts. 安全专家建议谨慎使用要求提供个人信息或定向到不熟悉的网站的电子邮件。 Security experts advise being cautious with emails asking for personal information or directing to unfamiliar websites. 保持安全的提示包括验证发件人信息和避免可疑链接。 Tips for staying safe include verifying sender information and avoiding suspicious links.