英国的Ofsted公布新的五点学校分级等级表, UK's Ofsted unveils new five-point school grading scale, facing criticism for being rushed and confusing.
英国的Offsted正在向小学引入一个新的五分级彩色编码比例表, 从“引起关注”(红色)到“示范”(绿色)不等。 The UK's Ofsted is introducing a new color-coded five-point scale to grade schools, ranging from "causing concern" (red) to "exemplary" (green). 这取代了目前的四级制度,目的是就学校业绩提供更详细的反馈意见。 This replaces the current four-level system and aims to provide more detailed feedback on schools' performance. 然而,教学工会认为,新制度可能使招聘危机恶化,造成混乱,无法为家长或学校领导人提供更好的信息。 However, teaching unions argue the new system may worsen the recruitment crisis and create confusion, failing to provide better information for parents or school leaders. 批评者说,在校长Ruth Perry死后作出的改变是仓促的,无法改进检查制度。 Critics say the changes, made following the death of headteacher Ruth Perry, are rushed and will fail to improve the inspection system.