两人在试图将宠物从杀死20只动物的房屋火灾中解救出来时吸入了烟雾。 Two people suffered smoke inhalation while trying to save pets from a house fire that killed 20 animals.
两人试图在锡贝利州公园附近Kandiyohi县Colfax镇的一场房屋火灾中解救宠物,之后因吸入烟雾而接受治疗。 Two individuals were treated for smoke inhalation after trying to rescue pets from a house fire in Colfax Township, Kandiyohi County, near Sibley State Park. 该房屋价值250 000美元,被摧毁,消防员发现17只狗和3只猫吸入烟雾而死亡。 The home, valued at $250,000, was destroyed, and firefighters found 17 dogs and three cats that died from smoke inhalation. 火灾的起因仍在调查之中。 The cause of the fire is still under investigation. 新伦敦消防局和其他当地机构对现场作出了回应。 The New London Fire Department and other local agencies responded to the scene.