研究将早孕时的低维生素D与早产风险的四倍增长联系起来。 Study links low vitamin D in early pregnancy to fourfold increase in preterm birth risk.
宾夕法尼亚州最近进行的一项研究将早孕中维生素D低水平与早产风险较高联系起来。 A recent study from Penn State links low vitamin D levels in early pregnancy to a higher risk of preterm birth. 发现前三个月维生素D浓度低于40 nmol/L的妇女过早分娩的可能性是80 nmol/L以上的妇女的四倍。 Women with vitamin D levels below 40 nmol/L in the first trimester were found to be four times more likely to deliver prematurely compared to those with levels above 80 nmol/L. 研究人员建议计划怀孕的妇女考虑维生素D补充剂,并咨询医生进行营养状况检查。 Researchers recommend women planning pregnancy consider vitamin D supplements and consult their doctor for nutritional status checks.