Shawn Garel, 27岁, 宣布从监狱计划擅离职守, 最后一次出现在麦迪逊; 当局寻求公共帮助。 Shawn Garel, 27, declared AWOL from a jail program, last seen in Madison; authorities seek public help.
Shawn M. Garel, 27岁,来自麦迪逊, 被宣布为来自达内县郡警署监狱改造方案的AWOL。 Shawn M. Garel, a 27-year-old from Madison, has been declared AWOL from the Dane County Sheriff's Office Jail Diversion Program. Garel因反抗和逃离一名军官而服刑,最后一次见到他是在星期五晚上在麦迪逊。 Garel, who is serving a sentence for resisting and fleeing from an officer, was last seen in Madison on Friday night. 当局正在寻求公众帮助寻找他的下落,并向达内县通信中心号码(608-255-2345)提供任何信息。 Authorities are seeking public help to locate him and have provided the Dane County Communications Center number (608-255-2345) for any information.