28 岁的马修·加索姆克 (Matthew Garsomke) 是波蒂奇县监狱的一名囚犯,休假后失踪。 28-year-old Matthew Garsomke, a Portage County Jail inmate, went missing after a furlough.
28 岁的马修·加索姆克 (Matthew Garsomke) 是波蒂奇县监狱的一名囚犯,周五在获得三个小时的休假后失踪。 28-year-old Matthew Garsomke, a Portage County Jail inmate, went missing after a granted three-hour furlough on Friday. 加索姆克身高 6 英尺 1 英寸,体重 203 磅,最后一次被人看见是在史蒂文斯角的斯特朗斯大道上向北行走。 Garsomke, who is 6'1" and weighs 203 pounds, was last seen walking northbound on Strongs Avenue in Stevens Point. 波蒂奇县警长办公室正在寻找他,并请求任何了解情况的人拨打 715-346-1400 联系他们。 The Portage County Sheriff's Office is searching for him and asks anyone with information to contact them at 715-346-1400.