预计卡塔尔的活动和展览市场到2029年将达到海合会最高CAGR,到2030年将达到3.51B。 Qatar's events & exhibition market is projected to have the highest CAGR in GCC by 2029, reaching $3.51B by 2030.
卡塔尔的活动和展览市场预计到2029年在海合会中将拥有最高CAGR, Qatar's events & exhibition market is projected to have the highest CAGR in the GCC by 2029, driven by rising businesses/tourists, infrastructure development, and govt support. 预计到2030年,卡塔尔的市场将达到351亿美元,这得益于QNCC和DECC等最先进的场馆,以及举办2022年FIFA世界杯等重大赛事. Qatar's market is expected to reach $3.51B by 2030, aided by state-of-the-art venues like QNCC & DECC, and hosting major events like the 2022 FIFA World Cup. B2B区段将占有最大的市场份额,而混合分割则增长更快。 The B2B segment is set to hold the largest market share, while mixed segmentation will grow faster.