新南威尔士州面临电子摩托车、电子自行车受伤激增;议会调查推动制定更安全的条例。 NSW faces e-scooter, e-bike injury surge; parliamentary inquiry pushes for safer regulations.
在新南威尔士州,电子摩托车和电子摩托车的使用激增,特别是在年轻人中,导致对安全问题的关切,原因是牙科、冠状脑和脑损伤等伤害的增加。 In New South Wales, the surge in e-scooter and e-bike usage, especially among young people, has led to safety concerns due to an increase in injuries like dental, craniofacial, and brain injuries. 据澳大利亚皇家外科医生学院报告,此类伤势呈指数式上升,特别是在医疗资源稀缺的地区。 The Royal Australasian College of Surgeons reports an exponential rise in such injuries, particularly in regions with scarce medical resources. 议会定于2月进行调查,公布调查结果,呼吁使用强制性头盔、限制速度和禁止乘客。 A parliamentary inquiry is set to release findings in February, with calls for mandatory helmets, speed limits, and a ban on passengers.