印度国家人权委员会命令政府对部落流离失所和权利问题采取行动。 NHRC in India orders government to act on tribal displacement and rights issues.
印度国家人权委员会(NHRC)已指示政府处理部落社区面临的问题,包括基础设施项目造成的流离失所和缺乏基本权利。 The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) in India has directed the government to address the issues faced by tribal communities, including displacement due to infrastructure projects and lack of basic rights. 这些指令遵循人权律师Radhakanta Tripathy提出的请愿,突出了对土地、卫生和教育的关切。 The directives follow petitions filed by human rights lawyer Radhakanta Tripathy, highlighting concerns over land, health, and education. 国家人权委员会已指示一些部委采取必要行动,保护和支持这些社区。 The NHRC has instructed several ministries to take necessary actions to protect and support these communities.