新罕布什尔州的医疗补助计划面临削减,威胁到 60,000 名居民的保险。 New Hampshire's Medicaid expansion faces cuts, threatening coverage for 60,000 residents.
由于新的共和政府可能削减联邦资金,新罕布什尔扩大医疗援助计划(称为Granite Advantage Programme)面临风险。 New Hampshire's Medicaid expansion, known as the Granite Advantage Program, is at risk due to potential federal funding cuts under the new Republican administration. 如果联邦资金低于该方案费用的90%,州触发法将要求为约60 000名居民提供终止保险。 If federal funding falls below 90% of the program's cost, the state's trigger law would require ending coverage for around 60,000 residents. 这可能严重影响家庭的健康和工作能力,给国家医院造成压力。 This could severely impact families' health and work capabilities and strain the state's hospitals.