Highland Pride的新主席Simon Allison(Simon Allison)旨在促进社区参与苏格兰的LGBT(LGBT)活动。 New chair of Highland Pride, Simon Allison, aims to boost community engagement in Scotland's LGBTQ+ events.
Simon Allison 是 Highland Pride 的新任主席,这是一家支持苏格兰高地 LGBTQ+ 社区的慈善机构。 Simon Allison is the new chair of Highland Pride, a charity supporting the LGBTQ+ community in Scotland's Highlands. Allison旨在促进社区参与并加强与其他团体的联系。 Allison aims to boost community engagement and strengthen ties with other groups. 当 Highland Pride 为 2 月份的年度游行和 LGBT+ 历史月等活动做准备时,Allison 鼓励志愿者和支持者通过他们的网站参与其中。 As Highland Pride prepares for events like the annual parade and LGBT+ History Month in February, Allison encourages volunteers and supporters to get involved through their website.