新CEOAndrew Crisp加入了IHC集团,目的是加强对智障者的支持。 New CEO Andrew Crisp joins IHC Group, aiming to enhance support for people with intellectual disabilities.
IHC Group欢迎住房和城市发展部新任CEOAndrew Crisp。 IHC Group welcomed its new CEO, Andrew Crisp, from the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development. Crisp将侧重于内部和外部的倾听和联系,以便优先安排资源,产生积极的影响。 Crisp will focus on listening and connecting internally and externally to prioritize resources for positive impact. 提倡智力残疾人的IHC是一个较大群体的一部分,其中包括IDEA服务、选择新西兰和无障碍财产。 IHC, which advocates for people with intellectual disabilities, is part of a larger group including IDEA Services, Choices NZ, and Accessible Properties.