市长Holdom在新普利茅斯无家可归问题上与MSD发生冲突,寻求中央政府干预。 Mayor Holdom clashes with MSD over New Plymouth's homelessness, seeking central government intervention.
新普利茅斯市市长Neil Holdom因该市无家可归危机与社会发展部(MSD)区域主管发生争执。 The Mayor of New Plymouth, Neil Holdom, is in a dispute with the regional head of the Ministry of Social Development (MSD) over the city's homelessness crisis. 文件显示Holdom在2024年要求中央政府给予帮助,估计有200多名粗睡者,敦促提供紧急住所和支助服务。 Documents show Holdom asked for central government help in 2024, estimating over 200 rough sleepers and urging for emergency shelters and support services. 虽然医务司承认需要协作,但Holdom强调中央政府领导对于有效解决这一问题和减少长期费用的重要性。 While the MSD acknowledged the need for collaboration, Holdom stressed the importance of central government leadership to effectively address the issue and reduce long-term costs.