印度男子因偿还贷款而遭骚扰后自杀;警察逮捕嫌疑人。 Man in India suicides after harassment over repaid loan; police arrest suspects.
马哈拉施特拉邦的阿明·谢赫 (Amin Shaikh) 一位38岁的男子因贷款而遭受持续的骚扰而自杀, A 38-year-old man in Thane, Maharashtra, named Amin Shaikh, committed suicide after facing continuous harassment over a loan despite repaying more than the original amount. 警方逮捕了一人,并登记了一起以教唆自杀为由起诉三人的案件。 Police have arrested one person and registered a case against three individuals for abetment of suicide. 这一事件突显了该区域鲨鱼贷款战术和骚扰问题。 The incident highlights the issue of loan shark tactics and harassment in the region.