马尼拉的一个主要运输枢纽 -- -- TCITX -- -- 将于2027年开放,旨在缓解交通拥堵和连接各种运输方式。 A major transport hub in Manila, TCITX, set to open in 2027, aims to ease congestion and connect various transport modes.
塔吉格市综合终端交换所(塔吉格市综合终端交换所)是一个主要运输枢纽,定于2027年开始运营,目前正在建造,以改善大马尼拉与菲律宾其他地区之间的交通。 The Taguig City Integrated Terminal Exchange (TCITX), a major transport hub set to begin operations in 2027, is being constructed to improve travel between Metro Manila and other parts of the Philippines. 该项目于2015年授予阿亚拉小组,但因路权问题和流行病影响而面临延误。 The project, awarded to the Ayala Group in 2015, faced delays due to right-of-way issues and pandemic impacts. 一旦完工,5.57公顷长的TCITX将连接公共汽车、菲律宾国家铁路和大马尼拉地铁,旨在缓解道路堵塞,每天容纳多达160 000名乘客。 Once completed, the 5.57-hectare TCITX will connect buses, the Philippine National Railways, and the Metro Manila Subway, aiming to ease road congestion and accommodate up to 160,000 passengers daily.