伊莎贝拉县,密歇根州,从监狱入口删除圣经诗句,以避免赞同宗教。 Isabella County, Michigan, removes a Bible verse from its jail entrance to avoid endorsing religion.
密歇根州伊莎贝拉县正在从其新监狱入口删除圣经诗句,因为担心它赞同宗教。 Isabella County, Michigan, is removing a Bible verse from its new jail entrance due to concerns it endorses religion. 这节经文,“使人和睦的人有福了,因为他们必称为上帝的儿女”,旨在向急救人员致敬。 The verse, "Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God," was intended to honor first responders. Freedom Freedom Foundation认为这违反了政教分离原则, 导致警长Michael Main同意撤除宗教, The Freedom From Religion Foundation argued it violated the separation of church and state, leading Sheriff Michael Main to agree to remove it and develop a new, inclusive message.