由于立法方面的挑战,法国将非洲文物送回原籍国的工作面临拖延。 French repatriation of African artifacts to their countries of origin faces delays due to legislative challenges.
法国总统Emmanuel Macron承诺将非洲艺术和文物归还原主国七年后,由于立法和议会的挑战,这一进程似乎停滞不前。 Seven years after French President Emmanuel Macron pledged to return African art and cultural objects to their countries of origin, the process appears stalled due to legislative and parliamentary challenges. 有大约90 000件非洲物品存放在法国博物馆,一个来自象牙海岸、准备返回的鼓被推迟了一年多。 With around 90,000 African objects held in French museums, a drum from the Ivory Coast intended for return has been delayed for over a year. 非洲博物馆专业人员对遣返的进展缓慢表示不耐烦。 African museum professionals express impatience with the slow progress of repatriation.