前肯尼亚人VP Rigathi Gachagua准备发表临时报告, 可能构成新的政治挑战。 Ex-Kenyan VP Rigathi Gachagua set to unveil interim report, possibly forming a new political challenge.
肯尼亚前副总统里加蒂·加查瓜(Rigathi Gachagua)将于2月9日提交一份临时报告,详细说明该山的政治方向。 Former Kenyan Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua will present an interim report on Feb. 9, detailing the political direction for the Mt. 肯尼亚区域。 Kenya region. Gachagua一直在与来自各区域的领导人协商,以收集他们的意见,并对该区域的政治边缘化表示关切。 Gachagua has been consulting with leaders from various regions to gather their views and has expressed concerns about the region's political marginalization. 自他于2024年10月被弹劾以来, 猜测围绕着他的公告, 这可能涉及成立新的政党或与反对派领导人结成更广泛的联盟, 质疑鲁托总统在2027年的连选连任。 Since his impeachment in October 2024, speculation surrounds his announcement, which could involve forming a new political party or a broader alliance with opposition leaders to challenge President Ruto's re-election bid in 2027.