肯尼亚副总统加查瓜(Gachagua)在弹劾指控的不当行为时为“攻击性言论”道歉。 Kenya's Deputy President Gachagua apologizes for "offensive remarks" amid impeachment over alleged misconduct.
肯尼亚副总统拉加瓜(Rigathi Gachagua)公开向总统鲁托(William Ruto)及国会道歉, Kenya's Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua has publicly apologized to President William Ruto and Parliament amid an impeachment motion against him. 他代表他的妻子Dorcas Rigathi, 为任何“攻击性言论”寻求宽恕。 He seeks forgiveness for any "offensive remarks" and on behalf of his wife, Dorcas Rigathi. Gachagua面临不当行为的指控,他否认这些指控,声称这些指控是捏造的。 Gachagua faces accusations of misconduct, which he denies, claiming they are fabricated. 他的呼吁旨在与领导层和解,保持他在政府中的地位,同时强调他对法治的承诺。 His appeal aims to reconcile with leadership and maintain his position in government while emphasizing his commitment to the rule of law.