Ellie Simmonds,残奥会冠军,在一部新的ITV纪录片中探讨母性和残疾。 Ellie Simmonds, Paralympic champion, explores motherhood and disability in a new ITV documentary.
残奥会冠军Ellie Simmonds将探讨她的决定, 在新的ITV纪录片中生孩子。 Paralympic champion Ellie Simmonds will explore her decision to have children in a new ITV documentary. Simmonds生来就有一种侏儒症, 将前往胎儿医学科, 与面临生儿育女并接受产前残疾诊断的挑战的家庭交谈。 Born with a form of dwarfism, Simmonds will visit a Foetal Medicine Unit and speak with families facing the challenge of having a child with a prenatal diagnosis of disability. 该纪录片旨在挑战对残疾儿童的看法,并将在ITV和ITVX上播放。 The documentary aims to challenge perceptions about children with disabilities and will air on ITV and ITVX.