女演员Kate Winslet 帮助盲人12岁女孩通过影集巡回演出实现梦想。 Actress Kate Winslet helps blind 12-year-old girl fulfill dream with movie set tour.
奥斯卡得奖的女演员凯特·温斯莱特帮助实现一个来自诺丁汉的12岁女孩的梦想,她正在失去视线。 Oscar-winning actress Kate Winslet helped fulfill the dreams of a 12-year-old girl from Nottingham who is losing her sight. 这名女孩的名字因隐私问题未被披露,Winslet给这名女孩一个个性化的经历,包括参观Winslet的新电影,并有机会见见该女演员。 The girl, whose name was not disclosed due to privacy concerns, was given a personalized experience by Winslet, including a tour of the set of Winslet's new movie and a chance to meet the actress. 该法案是支助面临严重疾病和残疾的儿童的运动的一部分。 This act was part of a campaign to support children facing serious illnesses and disabilities.