46岁的Bessie Thomas 在争吵中向室友开枪后被控一级谋杀罪。 Bessie Thomas, 46, charged with first-degree murder after shooting her roommate during an argument.
来自圣路易斯的46岁的妇女Bessie Thomas被指控犯有一级谋杀罪和其他罪行,据称在QuikTrip加油站附近的一辆汽车发生争吵时,她36岁的室友被枪杀。 A 46-year-old woman, Bessie Thomas, from St. Louis, is charged with first-degree murder and other crimes after allegedly shooting and killing her 36-year-old roommate during an argument in a car near a QuikTrip gas station. 事件发生在星期六下午,Thomas立即被警方逮捕。 The incident occurred on Saturday afternoon, and Thomas was immediately arrested by the police. 由于先前的定罪,她不得持有火器。 She is barred from possessing a firearm due to a previous conviction.