Genesis Tanksley因谋杀而被捕,因为她把已故的前男友带到了莫比尔的一家医院。 Genesis Tanksley arrested for murder after bringing her dead ex-boyfriend to a hospital in Mobile.
据称,一名妇女Genesis Tanksley将她死去的前男友Lazarus Tanksley带到阿拉巴马州Mobile的一家医院后,被逮捕并被控犯有谋杀罪。 A woman, Genesis Tanksley, was arrested and charged with murder after allegedly bringing her dead ex-boyfriend, Lazarus Tanksley, to a hospital in Mobile, Alabama. 目击者报告说,他们看到争吵后开枪射击,监控录像显示Tanksley从受害者身上扔下。 Witnesses reported seeing an argument followed by a gunshot, and surveillance footage showed Tanksley dropping off the victim. 机动县治安官办公室接管了调查,并拘留了她。 The Mobile County Sheriff's Office took over the investigation and has taken her into custody.