美国快餐连锁店计划广泛进入加拿大,为快餐市场的竞争性改革奠定基础。 似乎在句子的末尾无意中切换到了中文。 让我纠正这一点,并以英文提供句子:美国快餐链计划大范围进入加拿大,为快速服务市场进行竞争性大修做好准备。 U.S. fast-food chains plan expansive entry into Canada, setting stage for competitive overhaul in the快餐市场。 It seems there was an inadvertent switch to Chinese at the end of the sentence. Let me correct that and provide the sentence in English: U.S. fast-food chains plan expansive entry into Canada, setting stage for competitive overhaul in the quick-service market.
美国的快餐连锁店,如泽西麦克、吉米约翰、Shake Shack 和法佐利 正在向加拿大扩张, 计划到2035年建立数百个新地点。 U.S. fast-food chains like Jersey Mike's, Jimmy John's, Shake Shack, and Fazoli's are expanding into Canada, planning hundreds of new locations by 2035. 这一举动增加了与已有加拿大品牌的竞争,促使所有参与者通过忠诚程序、价值菜单和独特的菜单项目来增加他们的供货。 This move increases competition against established Canadian brands, pushing all players to enhance their offerings with loyalty programs, value menus, and unique menu items. 新来者的成功取决于复制美国的标准和定价,而现任加拿大连锁店必须利用其在当地的存在和供应链来保持竞争力。 Success for newcomers hinges on replicating U.S. standards and pricing, while incumbent Canadian chains must leverage their local presence and supply chains to stay competitive.