塔利班否认ISIS在阿富汗暴增的说法, Taliban deny claims of ISIS surge in Afghanistan, dismiss US report as exaggerated.
阿富汗伊斯兰酋长国(IEA)否认美国的一份报告,声称ISIS和其他外国武装团体在该国活动。 The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA) has denied a US report claiming ISIS and other foreign armed groups are active in the country. SIGAR报告说,袭击增加了40%,但塔利班领导的政府以夸大其词和出于政治动机为由将该报告驳回。 The SIGAR report, which stated a 40% increase in attacks, was dismissed by the Taliban-led government as exaggerated and politically motivated. 国际能源机构的拒绝凸显了当前在阿富汗存在军事团体的争端,对区域安全产生了影响。 The IEA's rejection highlights ongoing disputes over the presence of militant groups in Afghanistan, with implications for regional security.