嫌犯Jose Velasquez在纽波特海滩码头的追逐结束后被警方枪杀。 Suspect Jose Velasquez was shot dead by police after a chase ending at Newport Beach Pier.
Santa Ana警官在Newport Beach码头的车辆追逐中枪杀了一名凶杀案嫌疑人。 A suspect in a homicide case was fatally shot by Santa Ana police officers after a vehicle chase that ended at the Newport Beach Pier. 事件发生时,警察被要求找到嫌疑人,导致在码头开枪追击。 The incident began when police were requested to locate the suspect, leading to a pursuit that ended in gunfire at the pier. 被确认为Jose Velasquez的嫌疑人在现场被宣布死亡,并关闭了码头进行调查。 The suspect, identified as Jose Velasquez, was pronounced dead at the scene, and the pier was closed for the investigation. 没有任何军官或旁观者受伤。 No officers or bystanders were injured.