印度的邦湖湿地每年冬季拥有世界45%的野鹅。 Pong Lake wetland in India hosts up to 45% of the world's bar-headed geese each winter.
每年冬天,成千上万的迁徙鸟类,包括全球45%的无头鹅人口,都前往印度喜马查尔邦的邦湖湿地。 Each winter, tens of thousands of migratory birds, including 45% of the global bar-headed goose population, travel to Pong Lake wetland in Himachal Pradesh, India. 湿地在1970年代由比斯河上的一个水坝形成,从48种物种中吸引了大约75 500只鸟类,因为退水暴露了肥沃的喂养土地。 Formed by a dam on the Beas River in the 1970s, the wetland attracts about 75,500 birds from 48 species as the receding water exposes fertile land for feeding. 尽管每年波动不定,但野鹅的五年平均数约为40 000至45 000头,突出表明湿地作为冬季栖息地的重要性。 Despite annual fluctuations, the five-year average of bar-headed geese is around 40,000 to 45,000, highlighting the wetland's importance as a winter habitat.