河北发布衡水湖国家级自然保护区全季节观鸟图。 Hebei releases all-season birdwatching map for Hengshui Lake National Nature Reserve.
河北发布首张衡水湖国家级自然保护区全季节观鸟地图,提供不同季节候鸟、留鸟、地形地貌、鸟类分布等信息。 North China's Hebei releases its first all-season birdwatching map for Hengshui Lake National Nature Reserve, providing information on migratory and resident birds, topography, and bird distribution in different seasons. 该地图可通过保护区微信小程序或游客中心获取,为游学、科考、生态活动提供科学指导。 The map, accessible via the reserve's WeChat mini program or at the tourist center, offers scientific guidance for study tours, scientific investigation, and ecological activities.