在澳大利亚巴拉瑞特,警方搜寻失踪母亲萨曼莎·墨菲的尸体;被控谋杀她的帕特里克·奥伦·斯蒂芬森将于八月出庭受审。 In Ballarat, Australia, police search for missing mother Samantha Murphy's body; Patrick Orren Stephenson, charged with her murder, faces court in August.
澳大利亚巴拉瑞特警方正在寻找二月份失踪的母亲萨曼莎·墨菲的尸体。 Police in Ballarat, Australia are searching for the body of missing mother Samantha Murphy, who disappeared in February. 包括失踪人口调查组在内的侦探在搜查中发现了一些有趣的物品,其中包括一部手机。 Detectives, including those from the Missing Persons Squad, have found items of interest during the search, including a phone. 帕特里克·奥伦·斯蒂芬森 (Patrick Orren Stephenson) 于三月份被指控谋杀墨菲,他将于八月出庭受审。 Patrick Orren Stephenson, who was charged with Murphy's murder in March, will face court in August. 搜寻工作仍在进行中,对发现的物品进行测试后将公布更多信息。 The search is ongoing, and further information will be released once testing of the found items is completed.